Empowering Young Women through Skills Training in Hair and Beauty

Please empower a young woman today for the price of a visit to the hairdresser...
Tabassum, age 20, lives with her family in a single room in Kolkata’s Tiljala slum. Her father supports his family of 4 on Rs4000 (£44 or USD57) per month. She has recently qualified in hair and beauty therapy at the iSalon, NGO Tiljala SHED’s tiny Beauty Training Salon.
“Because of my father’s low income I left education early. When I came to know from one of my friends, that a free course is being offered at this place, I immediately visited the parlour and decided to join. After joining, I was confident that this skill will surely help me out of poverty. After completion of course I applied to many salons but they offered maximum 2500 per month for 9-10 hour days. Then, I consulted with the trainer who helped me and now I have 8 clients and earn close to Rs.2000 per month. I have requested the trainer to start more advanced courses which has a demand in the market and which will help us increase our income and in freelancing we are our own boss.”
We desperately need funds to provide training for more girls. It costs just £120 to put a girl through a 6 month course in basic hair and beauty. It costs £40 to provide a newly qualified girl with the tools to start freelance work like Tabassum. This week the first $50 (£38) of every donation will be 60% match funded. https://goto.gg/39617


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